Sunday, April 20, 2008

what are your gender prediction tests???

now that we are getting closer to finding out the sex of the baby, i have been thinking a lot about it. is the baby a girl or a boy?? jamil is sure of what the gender is. i on the other hand am not sure i have a feeling but i think i am a little afraid to go with it. with our first, i knew he was a boy - we decided not to have an ultrasound and waited to D-day!! with our second, i knew she was a girl - we did have an ultrasound to reveal my prediction was right! with our third, i thought it was a girl , when the ultrasound said he was a boy, i was shocked. that is why i am afraid to trust my instinct this time. although, jamil said he knew he was a boy. jamil has been right three out of three times. i tend to trust his instinct on this one. plus, he did have a dream the week before i found out i was pregnant, with a baby of a specific sex in it. i am not going to reveal what he thinks it is or what i think it is until closer to the ultrasound.

even though we still have a few weeks to go until our ultrasound, i have been working on a list of answers (boy or girl) to a list of questions of old wive's tales and different gender prediction activities. i have looked at a lot of different ones online. i would love to hear what are some of the gender prediction tests you have heard about or used. if you would leave me a comment to this post - i would love it! and then i can add what you have heard/tried/used in my post!!
there are so many crazy things out there - but it is so much fun anyway!!!