Wednesday, April 9, 2008


i have been feeling ok the last two days. not great, but not horrible. i have had a few waves of nausea throughout the day and a lot of yucky indigestion/heart burn - which is worse at night. i can not get rid of that nasty taste in my mouth that makes me feel so yucky. it annoys me in the worse way. i brush my teeth like 10 times a day. and if i am not near my toothbrush, i am chewing on gum (orbit - maui melon mint - yum!). it's funny, because i am not a gum person usually but i have to have it now! it really helps the taste/texture in my mouth. i am also gagging a lot, which is annoying and no fun.

i haven't had any strong cravings over the last couple of days. i have had a hard time eating just anything, but yet i can never get a strong sense of what i want to eat. tonight, jamil brought me a bacon cheeseburger from five guys!!! that was yummy! i have been really wanting to eat sweets but the things i want haven't been settling well - like ice cream and fruit - no fair!

i have had a busy beginning of the week - so i am really really tired. in fact i took a little snooze on the couch today and didn't even hear joshua, who was sitting right beside of me, call my dad and hold a conversation.

i have begun making a few lists and taking some inventory of what we will need for baby j. we really don't have a lot of baby gear left because - what we did have we bought in 2000 (8 years old) and has been through 3 babies, so we consigned and donated almost all of it. we kept a few pieces around (bouncy seat, pack n play, exersaucer) for when my friend chelsea would come over with baby anderson. chels and i were just joking yesterday day about how the bouncy seat has no bounce left in it. in addition to anderson using it, i think each of our older children numerous toys and babydolls sat in it too - so it is nearly flat.

i do have most all of our baby clothes (boy and girl) left. most of the clothing has been through my babies and atleast 2 other babies!! i love to share our clothes, it is so fun to see the cute baby clothes we have on my friend's babies!!! so who knows what we can use depending on size, shape, and the shape it may be in after being handed down and all around!

i am excited to start looking for some deals on some new gear and clothing!! although, i will probably wait to make final decisions and purchases until we find out if we are having a girl or a boy. on my side bar, you can vote if you think we are having a boy or a girl. i will have to post on what i think and what the old wive's tale say - i will save that for later and then you can vote unless you have a feeling now!!!