Thursday, September 18, 2008

who really knows who many weeks left???

yesterday, i had my midwife appointment. i am 35 1/2 weeks and everything is going great. i saw my midwife who delivered jesiah! i just love her. i actually love all of the midwives at our practice. when i was pregnant with my first 2 babies, i saw the doctors and they are fabulous too. i just decided with my third to give the midwives a try since my pregnancies, labors and deliveries were fairly uncomplicated. i have been very pleased with our midwives. i actually look forward to each of my appointments, with the exception of "weighing in".

my friend patti met me at my appointment and she watched jesiah in the waiting room while i went in by myself!! the baby is in position, head down! and her heart rate is wonderful! i am measuring right at 35-36 weeks and everything is good with me! what a blessing.

we talked a little about my weight gain this time - of course i brought it up, my midwife didn't have any concerns. i don't look like i have gained a lot , but i feel like i have and the numbers show i have gained the most out of all my pregnancies. i decided yesterday that i am not going to worry about it. this is probably my last baby and i am not going to stress about it!

we also talked a little about labor and delivery and some plans for that! it got me thinking about that day and i realized it could be sooner than later. jesiah was born at 38 weeks and i am nearly 36 weeks so i could potentially give birth in two weeks or so! josh and jordyn were both just three days early so that puts me at a little over 3 weeks to go. wow!!!

now, i know each baby is different and she could decide to be 2 weeks late and make her appearance in november !!!

so, of course i have begun preparations for the big day. jamil and i made plans for the big day, and how to juggle the big kids and get to the hospital. i started packing my bag - thanks to my parents who bought me a beautiful vera bradley overnight bag for my birthday! and of course i have lists of things to do before the big day!!!

next week i will go back to the midwives, i will start going every week now! this pregnancy has gone so fast, i can not believe we are at the end of it already!