Thursday, September 25, 2008

the waiting game...

the countdown officially begins!! yesterday, i had my weekly midwife appointment ( @ 36 1/2 wks). everything is looking great with baby and me! the baby's heartrate was in the 150's. i am measuring right on schedule. and her head is down, just where it should be!!! when my midwife checked me i was already dilated 1 -2 cm. and her head is really low - she could feel it. which i thought was the case, and explains my discomfort and pressure lately.

so now we just wait!!!! waiting is a hard thing for me. i am extremely impatient and like to have a plan. but i am going to try to keep as busy as my energy level will allow and i know the big day will be here before i know it.

of course, we are predicting that she will be here in about a week and a half. she seems to be following the course of her big brother, jesiah, who came about 2 weeks early. but then i could be all wrong and she may make her appearance at the end of october!


Patti's Chat said...

I can't wait! Hurry baby Jaelyn, HURRY!