Wednesday, September 3, 2008

oh my... i still have 7 weeks to go???

are you kidding me? today is a day where my emotions are completely different about this pregnancy. today is a day where i am ready to have this baby out of me. i am so uncomfortable and tired that i don't know how i will make it another week let alone seven.

i haven't been sleeping that well at night. and i woke up very cranky and tired this morning. my hormones are on overdrive. and i have very little patience for anything or anybody. i went to my 33 week check up this morning. when my midwife walked in and asked how i was doing, i broke down in tears. i completely lost it. and there wasn't any real reason that i cried. it was just everything combined with the raging hormones.

everything is going well with the baby - she is healthy and happy and still head down. i am measuring right at 33 weeks, although i wish i measured at like 38 weeks. her heartrate sounded great.

as for me, i just feel fat, uncomfortable and tired. my iron count went up two points. which is good. and my weight was up as well. which means the baby is growing right along with me.
i can barely breathe i am carrying her so high and yet i have a tremendous amount of pressure going on that radiates to my thighs. it is uncomfortable to sit, i am too tired to stand and if i lay too long or the wrong way i have pain in my hips. so today, i just feel plain miserable and can't believe i have 7 weeks until i can get some relief.

i am so emotionally torn because i don't want to be miserable for the rest of the pregnancy - i want to enjoy it. but today is just not a day where i feel happy. i feel blessed to have a healthy baby but just not happy. hopefully tomorrow will be a better day...


Patti's Chat said...

Hang in there sweetie! This too shall pass. You call me anytime you need to "whine" I'll listen!
You're a wonderful Mother and that doesn't make you immune to having hard days.
Hang in there and let me help anytime! Love you friend!