Monday, September 8, 2008

6 weeks or less...

ok, so it hit me today as i turned 34 weeks prego! if (a big IF) this baby is early like her big brother, we could possibly meet her in 4 weeks! ok, so panic then washed over me. so many mixed emotions. i am ready to see her and hold her and be done with not sleeping well and feeling uncomfortable. but i do have a lot to do before she comes and a lot to get. although, we have been making good progress around the house with my project lists - there is always something to be done and something we need to buy!!

it is sooooo hot today and just walking outside is miserable. i am hot when i am in the a/c and even hotter when i am outside -- i am so ready for some cooler weather. it will make breathing so much easier. she is sitting up so high, my lungs are squished. i also have a very sore rib cage from her being so high!! oh the joys of sharing your body with someone else!!

but everytime she kicks or squirms - i am still amazed that there is a little person inside of me!! even though we are both running out of room. the miracle of life is awesome.