Friday, July 11, 2008

baby gear...

i had some quiet time yesterday while the kids were watching a movie and i began to research and create a list of the baby gear that we need! i was excited to make some decisions and chose some of the items we need like an infant seat and stroller. with it being our fourth and tagging along by three years, there are quite a few things we need to get. when i showed jamil the registry on, basically everything i picked out was PINK, even down to the baby bathtub!!! it was fun -- when i was prego with jordyn, they were not making things in pink like they are today. and i had everything from josh - so jordyn didn't have a lot of pink gear. of course her bedding, blankets and clothing were pink and girlie but her car seat and stroller and stuff like that were a gender neutral navy and tan - practical and good for using for both a boy and a girl. but now that we have to buy a few new things -- they are all pink and girlie and i am in heaven!!! so is jordyn, she helped me pick out a few things by saying baby j----- needs this and has to have it in pink!! i have created a monster!!!!!