Monday, June 30, 2008

24 weeks...

today i am in my 24th week of pregnancy - wow... only 16 weeks to go. time is flying by very quickly. i can't wait to meet this new little baby girl! but at the same time i get sad thinking that this will be our last baby - my last pregnancy. that is a hard one for me. but i know four is enough - unless, of course, God shows us otherwise. i am so grateful to Him for giving us the three children we have and a fourth on the way!!

i was just thinking the other day about how people that i know or don't know will comment on how i must have my hands full and wow another on the way. or they will say wow, four, don't you know what causes that. and recently we had someone give jamil a newspaper clipping of a vasectomy clinic going on this month - which is apparently "National Vasectomy Month". i must say those little comments really get on my nerves. i would never say anything like that to anyone. if God has blessed them with four or fourteen kids - it is His plan - why would i argue with that.

i have been feeling pretty good lately. i generally start the day off with a ton of energy and then around 2 or 3 in the afternoon i get really tired. i have been just giving into the tired feeling and resting when i can. although it is hard when there is a lot to do especially when the kiddos are down for their quiet time. i haven't been sleeping that well at night, but thankfully it is summer break so i can get some extra sleep in the morning. the kids have been sleeping until around 8 or so!

the baby has been kicking and moving around quite a bit. it is so fun to feel those familiar movements!! and she has been strong enough for others to feel her and see her on the outside. she has gotten into a few uncomfortable (for me) positions and my bladder has been suffering and sometimes i will get short of breath.

i have had a lot of people ask me about her name!!! and yes, we have chosen a name for her. i am 99% sure although i have been known to change my mind. we are still working on the spelling for both the first and the middle name. so once we have the spelling decided i will post it!! if you see me, ask me and i will tell you, we aren't keeping it a secret but i don't want to put it into writing until the spelling is chosen.

we have picked out colors for the girls' room based on the quilt we have chosen for jordyn's new bed!!! my dad is making her a loft bed. we are using 2 shades of pink (light and dark), green and white. i can't wait to start working on it - which the project i'll begin in a few weeks!! although, if i could blink and the work would be done i would be ok with that!!!! i will post some before, during and after pics!!!