Monday, July 28, 2008

28 weeks...

wow, today i am 28 weeks prego! crazy to think i am in my third trimester. i love being pregnant and i am going to be sad when it comes to the end, but then again i will have a beautiful baby girl to hold and that will be so exciting!!!!

last week, i had my o'sullivan's test for gestational diabetes. i haven't heard from the doctor's office yet - so it seems to me that i have passed - yeah!!! that was a rough one. i woke up sick the morning of the test - weak, achy, chills, headache. i had to drink that yucky sweet beverage on an empty stomach, wait an hour and then have blood taken. not a fun time.

during the hour wait, i did get to see my midwife for my prenatal check up and everything is going great. i am measuring right on target with my due date. and the baby's heart beat sounded wonderful. i have heard that a girl's heart beat sounds like a galloping horse, i don't remember noticing that with jordyn but i really heard it this time.

with twelve weeks to go, i have the nesting instinct going on!!! i started working on the girls' room this past weekend. i have changed my mind on what i am doing in the room. and will soon post pictures and plans on what i am working on! just let me say it will be a room fit for two princesses!!!! i have also had the desire to shampoo carpets, clean out cabinets, drawers and closets, reorganize toys and the kitchen, hand mop floors, bathrooms etc. you name it i want to fix it, clean it and organize it!! the only problem is i don't have a ton of energy. so with the little spurts i get i will work on this list of projects i have going on!!!