Wednesday, August 20, 2008

9 weeks to go...

today i had an appointment with my midwife. everything is looking good with baby and me! she was head down - and i am praying she stays that way! although she is small enough to flip again - which if she does it is fine with me as long as she remembers to flip back before she is too big!!! her heartrate was good in the high 150s and i am measuring right at 31 weeks. not much more to report! i praise God for a happy and healthy baby girl!!!!

i have been pretty exhausted in the afternoons and evenings. and there are times that i am so uncomfortable i could scream. sometimes i wonder if i can make it 9 more weeks. it is so hard to do anything that requires bending over. and when you are a mom of three other kids -- bending over is kind of a requirement! i am getting pretty clutsy and seem to drop everything. and when i do, i get frustrated because it has to be picked up. if one of the kids are around they are quick to help!!!

last week, i was so excited to buy a few things for the baby!! i got them all off of craig's list. i scored big time!!! i got over $800 worth of gear for just over $200. i got a peg perego stroller, a joovy stroller, a colgate crib mattress and a baby bjorn!! i did sooo much research on which products i wanted to purchase for jaelyn and it was so fun to find them on craig's list. i

hadn't planned on buying a new baby bjorn b/c i have one, but it is an older model (8 years old) and the one i got was a lot newer with different side clips that seem so much easier than the old snaps. when i was at the ladie's house getting the crib mattress she had the baby bjorn and threw it in for a steal!!! i used the baby bjorn a lot with my other three kids. i would also like to try using a sling with jaelyn. i didn't have one with jesiah - i contemplated it but never got one. now they are so popular and everyone loves them. so, i will probably use both - atleast until i prefer one over another!!!

this weekend, we plan to work around the house and get some of the projects cleared off my nesting instinct list!!!


4torock said...

I can't believe it- so little time left!! I know it feels like a ways to go, but it will end soon :) Take care!!