Tuesday, August 12, 2008

10 weeks to go...

yesterday, marked 30 weeks of my pregnancy. i can not believe i have been pregnant for 30 weeks. i am 3/4 of the way there. and i know these last 10 weeks are going to go so quickly. and if she decides to be an early bird like her big brother, i have 8 weeks to go.

i have been busy getting ready for her arrival. but i have so much more to do, it is pretty overwhelming. i have a list of must dos before baby comes which includes: finishing the girls' room (putting the crib up, creating a changing station, decorating, etc), cleaning out the garage (so we can put a deep freezer in there), making and freezing meals in the deep freezer, cleaning out the kitchen cabinets and cleaning out our bedroom closet. i really can not afford to add anything else to that list - but probably will. and those are just the big projects i need to do, i have lots of little ones too. i have been busy researching and picking out the baby gear that we need. and also been finding creative ways to maximize space in our house that is busting at the seams!!

what is hard for me is the limited energy that i have. i wake up early, a little tired but once i get going i have a lot of energy. but after lunch around 1 or 2:00 i start to get sooooo exhausted. i have totally run out of steam. even if i don't do much in the morning, i am still tired. i usually make myself sit down and a lot of times i do take a nap. i try to do this before we have to pick up the big kids at school. and then i will get a spurt of energy in the late afternoon - which will carry me through our nightly routine and bedtime. once we get the kids in bed around 7:30, i am exhausted. so my evenings are usually spent resting and going to bed fairly early.

i am carrying jaelyn pretty high and i get uncomfortable very easy. i carried jordyn this way too. the boys i carried low. both ways have their pros and cons. it is hard to sit for too long when you carry high because my upper rib cage starts to hurt. it is hard to lay down and sleeping is broken by waking up to "go potty"

jamil and i have been talking about what she is going to look like in comparison to our other three babies. when i start thinking about her actually being here, i get so excited. and then when i realize that i will probably never be pregnant again, i want to keep her in my belly for a longer time. and i want to cherish every second of being pregnant. i get sad thinking that this is my last pregnancy. overall, i really love to be pregnant. this has probably been my hardest pregnancy - but i still enjoy it. i look forward to her birth day! i really love the excitement around bringing a new life into the world. i love my hospital stays! it is like a vacation for me.

so at ten weeks i have lots of thoughts and emotions stirring around. but i am so thankful to be pregnant and have a new baby in about 10 weeks!