Tuesday, August 26, 2008

8 weeks to go...

this past weekend we worked in the girls' room. a few braxton hicks contractions threw jamil and i into panic mode as we realized baby jaelyn will be here soon. so after a long sunday for my hubby, he put up the crib and some shelves. he is so great!!! so the girls' room is coming along. i promise i will post some pics when the room is complete.

sometimes i wonder if i will make it another eight weeks. i feel like there is absolutely no room left for her. i can tell she is running out of room because she is moving like she is crowded. it gets rather uncomfortable. i have been having trouble breathing and have had a little more heartburn - all due to the overcrowding!

i have been a little more grumpy and emotional again. but other than that and being uncomfortable most of the day and getting tired easily everything is going great with baby jaelyn this week.