Monday, April 6, 2009

six months old...

i know, i know, i say it every time i write an update about how old jaelyn is, but i can not believe how fast time is going by. jaelyn is six months old today! wow! we will go for her well check next week. i can't wait to see how much she weighs. she is getting a little bit chubby these days. here are some things that she is doing at six months old!!!

~ she can roll both ways
~ she will roll, twist and turn to retrieve a toy she wants
~ she can sit up with assistance
~ she stands and bears weight on her legs
~ she is very chatty, loves to coo and talk and sing
~ she is such a happy baby
~ she is very content to play by herself
~ she loves to have attention, especially that of her siblings
~ she has been eating baby cereal every few days and doing well.
~ she has a love/hate relationship with her soothie pacifier - sometimes she wants it most times she does not
~ she has been putting herself to sleep for naps and bedtime for about two weeks now, she cries very little or not at all
~ she sleeps about a 7-8 hour stretch at night, mommy hopes to increase that time soon!
~ she has organized her sleep, she goes to bed around 7:30 or 8:00, and she takes 3 naps a day, around the same time.
~ she rolls over to her tummy to go to sleep, mommy tries to turn her back over, but she rolls to her tummy again
~ she loves to be in a sling or baby carrier, mommy loves it too! (note to self: take a pic!!)
~ she loves to jump in her jumperoo, she looks really cute in it, like she is running on a treadmill (another note to self: capture this on video)
~ she is all smiles and loves to have her picture taken.
~ she has lost a lot of her baby hair, she has a section on the top/crown section of her head that has not come out it is really long! the new growth coming in is straight so far.
~ she is wearing 3-6 months or 6 month clothing and in a size 2 diaper!

jaelyn is such a blessing to our family. we are all completely smitten with her. she is a sweet sweet baby. it is so amazing how much love you can have for your child, whether it is your first or your fourth. i know from this point on, she is going to be doing so much more and becoming so much older and i just want to freeze time for awhile and just hold onto my baby girl!!