jaelyn turned nine months old last week!!!
she is just too precious for words!
we had her nine month well check yesterday!
jaelyn weighs 16 pounds exactly. (10-25%)
jaelyn is 27 inches long (50th%)
jaelyn continues to be such a joy!
she is such a happy and content baby.
she loves to smile and laugh.
she loves to be with her mommy and hesitates to be taken away from me.
jaelyn loves to have her sister and brothers near her, she loves to watch them.
she also plays very well by herself on the floor or in her pack n play.
here is what she is up to these days...
~ sitting up perfectly
~ doing push ups on her hands and toes
~rolling over both ways and can get across the room doing it
~scooting backwards
~doing a commando crawl forwards
~ beginning to get into crawling position on her knees and rocking back and forth
~ beginning to figure out how to go from sitting upright to laying on the floor
we had her nine month well check yesterday!
jaelyn weighs 16 pounds exactly. (10-25%)
jaelyn is 27 inches long (50th%)
jaelyn continues to be such a joy!
she is such a happy and content baby.
she loves to smile and laugh.
she loves to be with her mommy and hesitates to be taken away from me.
jaelyn loves to have her sister and brothers near her, she loves to watch them.
she also plays very well by herself on the floor or in her pack n play.
here is what she is up to these days...
~ sitting up perfectly
~ doing push ups on her hands and toes
~rolling over both ways and can get across the room doing it
~scooting backwards
~doing a commando crawl forwards
~ beginning to get into crawling position on her knees and rocking back and forth
~ beginning to figure out how to go from sitting upright to laying on the floor
~ jaelyn is a good sleeper these days,
we had some trouble with the nightime sleeping routine. but she is doing great now.
~ she takes two naps a day (1-2 hours each)
~ she goes to bed around 7:30 pm and wakes up around 7:30 am
~ occasionally (more often than not) she will wake up around 3:00am,
either being wet or hungry.
~ jaelyn is a great eater!
~ she eats solid foods for breakfast {cereal & fruit} & dinner {vegetable & fruit}
~ she nurses about 5 times a day
~ jaelyn will take a bottle of formula or breastmilk once a day usually at lunch time
~ she just started eating solids for lunch this week
~ she has started eating some "finger foods" like cheerios, little pieces of bananas, etc.
~ here she is eating a piece of a graham cracker
other stuff
~ jaelyn likes to babble and laugh and squeal {really loud}
~ she says dadada, mamama, bababa, gaga,
~ sometimes it sounds like she is saying momma or mommy when she is upset
~she likes to play in her jumperoo
~ although she is most content on the floor rolling and scooting everywhere, reaching and grabbing for toys and anything else in her path!
~she loves being in her stroller, she will take naps in there while we are out for up to two hours!
~ jaelyn started bouncing and "dancing" - it is so cute!!
~ she is still wearing cloth diapers and i still love it!
~she loves to get her toes in her mouth!
speaking of mouth: jaelyn broke first tooth last week
and her second tooth is coming in right behind it
~ jaelyn likes to babble and laugh and squeal {really loud}
~ she says dadada, mamama, bababa, gaga,
~ sometimes it sounds like she is saying momma or mommy when she is upset
~she likes to play in her jumperoo
~ although she is most content on the floor rolling and scooting everywhere, reaching and grabbing for toys and anything else in her path!
~she loves being in her stroller, she will take naps in there while we are out for up to two hours!
~ jaelyn started bouncing and "dancing" - it is so cute!!
~ she is still wearing cloth diapers and i still love it!
~she loves to get her toes in her mouth!
speaking of mouth: jaelyn broke first tooth last week
and her second tooth is coming in right behind it
taking a "big girl" bath.
i finally took the newborn seat out of the baby tub.
she loves to sit up and splash.
i finally took the newborn seat out of the baby tub.
she loves to sit up and splash.
i could just eat her up, she is so sweet and such a content baby.
her little smile and sweet little self just melts my heart!
i love that she is so little and that she is doing things "later" than the other three did at this age, i want to keep her a baby forever.
i can not believe that she is 3 months away from being one year old.
i really want time to slow down!!
What a big girl she's getting to be! I've missed SOOO much! It makes me sad :( She is so precious and is so beautiful like the rest of your children. God has blessed you both for sure! Hugs to you - miss you all so much!
She is adorable!!
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