Wednesday, March 25, 2009

what i am up to these days....

sitting in a bumbo seat...
i love it!! the world looks so different sitting up!

taking baths...
i love holding my little duckie and sucking on the washcloth
or my hands, whichever i can grab the fastest

kicking my feet up and looking at my toes,
sometimes i grab them
i love wearing these sweet little baby legs legwarmers!

grabbing and pulling the toys off my play gym...
i love to put them in my mouth

bouncing and jumping in the jumperoo...
i love playing with the toys and moving my feet

tasting a little bit of oatmeal baby cereal...
mommy let me try it and i liked it
but i have only had it once so far
mommy's not ready for me to be a big girl!

all this makes me sleep pretty good too!!!
i have been putting myself to sleep at naptime and bedtime
i have been on a good nap and bed routine too!!