Wednesday, February 25, 2009

sleeping better...

jaelyn has been sleeping better during the day. now she has been adjusting her bedtime schedule. she has been going down for the night around 7:30, which is ideal. but she has been waking up around 2 am, nursing and going back to sleep until about 6 am. she will nurse and go back to sleep around 7:15 and take a 2.5 hour nap until after 9 am. such a strange strange schedule right now. i am hoping she is just going through an adjustment phase and she is starting to organize her sleep. hopefully she will get the schedule down to 7:30 pm until 7:00 am without waking at all!! i am certainly not complaining because i really don't mind getting to snuggle with her at night. she has always been such a good sleeper at night, so i can make it through this kind of crazy schedule right now.